Julia Margo is Programme Advisor for Tooley Street Research. Her day job is Chief Executive of the Family and Childcare Trust. Previously she was Director of Consumer Insight at Which? and Acting Director and Deputy Director at Demos.
Julia’s areas of expertise include consumer policy and consumer behaviour research, social trend analysis, social policy including the early years and parenting, education policy and anti-social behaviour and crime.
Julia has been a regular commentator in the international and national press and has reported for the BBC in several documentaries on social change. She has also written extensively in various media and is an experienced chair and public speaker. Previously Julia was Associate Director and Head of Strategic Research at the Institute for Public Policy Research (ippr), Editor of journal Public Policy Research (PPR) and a commissioning editor on the Sunday Times’ News Review. She acts as trustee and adviser to a number of children’s charities and policy groups. Recent publications include: The Home Front (Demos 2010), Ex Curricula (Demos 2010), Wealth of opportunity (Demos 2009), Those who can? (ippr 2008), Make me a Criminal (ippr)
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