Do you want to know what the think tanks are thinking? If you, like us, are interested in public policy research and want to keep up with the most recent thinking, the latest reports from thinks tanks, research organisations and foundations are where you want to go. However, as there are many organisations producing excellent public policy research it is difficult to keep up with all of it, that is why we have started this regular summary. ‘What the think tanks think’ is the definitive place to keep up to date with the latest research.
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Latest research
Here’s our handy word cloud of what the think tanks have been thinking recently, created from the 26 reports produced by the major policy research organisations in Britain in the last fortnight. Scotland and London are top issues of policy interest, with self employment and children not far behind. A full list of the reports used is available at the end of this post; let us know if you think we’ve missed anything.
Our Sources:
Adam Smith Institute - Is government helping exports?
Calouste Gaulbekian - Alone in the crowd: loneliness and diversity
Centre for London - City views: How do Britain’s cities see London?
Centre for Social Justice - Sentences in the Community
CentreForum - Turbo Charging Volunteering: Co-production and public service reform
CEPS - British Balance of Competence Reviews, Part II: Again, a huge contradiction between the evidence and Eurosceptic populism
Chatham House - Complexity, strategy and the national interest
Civitas - Restoring brownfield sites in our inner towns and cities
Civitas - Use It or Lose It: A business case for an alternative way to rejuvenate the UK nuclear industry
Demos - Scouting for Skills
Grand Union Housing Trust - One year on - the Bedroom Tax hits home
IFS - Policies for an independent Scotland? Putting the Independence White Paper in its fiscal context
IFS - Taxation, government spending and the public finances of Scotland: updating the medium term outlook
IPPR - Winning the global race? Jobs, skills and the importance of vocational education
Joseph Rowntree Foundation - How place influences employment outcomes for ethnic minorities
Localis - Meeting the challenge in Barnet: Lessons from becoming the Commissioning Council
Nesta - Digital R&D for the Arts in Scotland - Case Studies
Nesta - Raising Your Voice: Digital Story Telling to Create Change
New Local Government Network - Effective Commissioning
Nuffield Foundation - Which type of parenting programme best improves child behaviour and reading?
Nuffield Foundation - Quality and Inequality: Do three- and four-year-olds in deprived areas experience lower quality early years provision?
Policy Exchange - Technology Manifesto
Reform - Disruptive innovation in public service reform
Resolution Foundation - Mortgaged Future: Modelling household debt affordability and access to refinancing as interest rates rise
RSA - Salvation in a start-up? The origins and nature of the self-employment boom
Smith Institute - Setting a fair pay standard: the government as a living wage employer
Oliver Hicks-Pattison, Researcher, Tooley Street Research
June 11th 2014
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